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The icons are embroidered with beads

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Size: 12,5*16
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Size: 11*16,5

Bead-embroidered icons - an unmatched masterpiece of handicraft


Bead-embroidered icons are a form of art that combines ancient traditions of embroidery and religious art. They are extremely detailed, with exquisite ornaments and beautiful color gradation. Each bead-embroidered icon is a unique masterpiece that captures attention with its beauty and variety of colors.


The existence of bead-embroidered icons has its roots in ancient times. Skillfully embroidered icons were popular in medieval Europe and Slavic countries, where embroidery played an important role in religious rituals and expressed devotion to God. Over time, the technique of bead embroidery was perfected, and bead-embroidered icons became one of the most popular forms of handicraft.

Bead embroidery technique

Bead embroidery is done using tiny beads threaded onto a thread. Beads are used to create individual elements of the iconostasis, images of saints, architectural details, and various ornaments. The bead embroidery technique allows for creating numerous effects, reproducing shades of colors, and giving the icon refinement and realism.

Ornaments and motifs

Bead-embroidered icons are adorned with various ornaments and motifs, reflected in the sophistication of colors and details. These can be geometric patterns, flowers, plant motifs, animals, symbolic images, and much more. Each of these ornaments has its symbolic meaning and contributes to creating a special atmosphere in art.


Bead-embroidered icons carry deep symbolism and religious significance. Each image or holy person depicted on the icon has its own special message and interpretation. Bead-embroidered icons are considered sacred and special, and they should be regarded with special respect and reverence.

In this way, bead-embroidered icons are an expression of creativity and spirituality, combined in unique handicraft masterpieces. These exquisite works of art adorn religious buildings, museum collections, and attract attention with their beauty and intricacy.
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