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How to choose the color of the embroidery?

How to choose the color of the embroidery?

The choice of the color of the embroidery can be individual and depend on personal preferences and the style you want to create. However, here are some useful tips:

Consider the colors that best suit your skin tone and hair color. For example, if you have a light skin tone and blonde hair, then try to choose more saturated colors, such as red or blue. If you have a dark skin tone and hair, then embroidery on a light background, for example, white or beige, can be well suited.

Get out of the contrast - if you chose a dark color of the embroidery, try to choose bright accessories that will drive you crazy. Such a contrast will make your image brighter and more memorable.

Pay attention to the theme of embroidery - patterns can reflect elements of nature, folk symbols, geometric shapes, etc. For example, if you want to create a more modern image, then it is better to choose embroidery with geometric shapes.

Do not forget about the style of embroidery - you can choose between a classic and a more modern style. If you want to create a classic image, it is better to choose embroidered shirts with traditional patterns and colors.

Consider the place where you will wear the embroidered shirt - if you are looking for an embroidered shirt for everyday wear, it is better to choose calmer colors and patterns