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Embroidered shirt in black and white - modern designer solutions.

Embroidered shirt in black and white - modern designer solutions.
Embroidered shirt (vyshyvanka) is a symbol of national identity and cultural wealth of Ukraine. It has always served not only as a decoration but also as a sign of attachment to one's roots and traditions. Nowadays, the vyshyvanka is a popular fashion element with almost a century of history, especially in the black-and-white design which combines classic and modern elements and offers various ornament patterns suitable for different clothing styles.

The vyshyvanka comes in different variations depending on the region where it is produced, the techniques used, and the ornamental motifs. The most common types are polichanka, hutsulka, boykivska, kosivska, halychanka, opishnyanska, zakarpatska, and others, each with its own purpose and symbolism.

There are various legends about who first embroidered a vyshyvanka, but historical records indicate that it has been known for ages in different forms and purposes. The first mentions of vyshyvanka date back to the 11th-12th centuries when the peoples inhabiting the territory of present-day Ukraine had a developed culture and close connections with neighboring peoples.

According to popular beliefs, vyshyvanka served as a talisman protecting the wearer from negative influences. Each ornament reflects the uniqueness of the culture and symbolism, and experts interpret them in different contexts and applications. In medieval times, the imperial vyshyvanka was supposed to symbolize eternity, while the Western Ukrainian variety was likened to a comedic mask of lost cultural value.

In conclusion, the vyshyvanka is not just a decoration but also a sign of a deep connection to the past, the culture of one's people, and traditions. The black-and-white vyshyvanka offers a new perspective on an old tradition that enriches our wardrobe. Its meaning today depends on us.